Embrace’s toolkit and booklets are finally out!

October 27, 2023| news

The main deliverables of the Embrace project  – the European booklet, the participation toolkit and  the local booklets – are ready to be disseminated.

The European booklet compiles the knowledge collected during the participatory processes – listening sessions, face-to-face meetings, and co-projecting workshops –  in the 11 territories where the Embrace project took place. It is intended to be a working tool for decision-makers and practitioners, using the lived experiences of newcomers to make better-informed and efficient decisions when defining integration policies, aligned with the beneficiaries’ real needs. It also aims to be a working tool that inspires to experiment, with different solutions co-created by newcomers and practitioners/decision-makers.

The local booklets, translated in english and in the local languages, gather the insights from the participatory processes carried out in each territory of the project and are thought to be a tool of reflection and implementation for local stakeholders. 

The toolkit gives access to ComParte’s methodology and Second Tree’s training path that were implemented and tested during the project, supported by a thorough analysis and reflections from the 11 territories that tested them. We hope it will be of good use and that it can bring many ideas to your work involving newcomers in political and civil participation. The document  is for anyone who wants to promote migrant participation. 

The tools and methodologies consolidate what is most valuable in decision-making processes: the people involved. Yes, the people involved in the process are the most precious resource when thinking about changes or solutions. In this toolkit, we bring ideas on how to create contexts so that the experience of beneficiaries of services, programs, and policies – in this case, newcomers – is considered a useful source of information to think about solutions for the integration system.